2017 Tanzania Relief Trip
Friends Together’s 4th Trip
In the summer of 2017, Friends-Together returned to Tanzania with 12 volunteers to undertake its largest relief effort in its history. The trip was two years in the making and the planning for it had begun before the 2015 trip was even complete.
The biggest issue our team had always been aware of since 2004 was lack of sanitary products for impoverished women and girls. It was a problem that kept girls from attending school, women from being able to work, it interferes with all quality of life aspects for women on a monthly basis. Our problem was we could never see a viable solution for this issue. But in 2015 it appeared. We partnered with TAFCOM an organization that works with HIV infected and affected women and they have a tailoring program. Thus an idea was born. Have them sew reusable sanitary pads……… Now the problem how to raise the funds to make that happen….
Here is what Friends-Together was able to do in Tanzania in 2017. We had 12 volunteers on the ground but hundreds of support team at home that made it all happen.
books were purchased and donated to 5 Tanzanian schools.
reusable pads funded by Friends Together and sewn by the woman of TAFCOM were donated to 730 women and girls.
pounds of medical and school supplies were donated and delivered.
solar lights were donated and delivered to homes of HIV-positive families with no electricity.
new sewing machines were purchased and donated to TAFCOM.